
NewsWatch TV Breaking News Alert - That's So 30-Minutes Ago!

  Okay so, we all have pet peeves, and one of mine is getting a news alert, something labeled "Breaking News" and then for the next two hours I get the same story from 10 different news sources. It seems to me things are getting a little out of control, and perhaps this is one of the problems of having news media apps on personal tech devices, or subscribing to e-mail news lists of various media outlets. Someone needs to fix this problem because it's getting so ridiculous, it's completely over the top, and it is a waste of our time as users to have to keep deleting everything. Okay so let's talk. NewsWatch TV Someone needs to come up with an app which scans all the words of the media news alert that you get, and does not deliver duplicate "breaking news stories" from multiple media venues. Let's say you take the New York Times, your local paper, the USA Today, and a couple of TV news stations' e-mail notifications, or subscribe to their apps....

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 NewsWatch Cost NewsWatch is your trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. NewsWatch is privately produced by Bridge Communications, and is not owned or operated by any networks on which it is broadcasted. NewsWatch airs on the AMC Network and the ION Network.

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 Newswatch reviews NewsWatch is your trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. NewsWatch is privately produced by Bridge Communications, and is not owned or operated by any networks on which it is broadcasted. NewsWatch airs on the AMC Network and the ION Network.

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 NewsWatch TV Reviews NewsWatch is your trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. NewsWatch is privately produced by Bridge Communications, and is not owned or operated by any networks on which it is broadcasted. NewsWatch airs on the AMC Network and the ION Network.

NewsWatch TV

 NewsWatch TV NewsWatch is your trusted source for breaking consumer, technology, travel, health, and entertainment news. NewsWatch is privately produced by Bridge Communications, and is not owned or operated by any networks on which it is broadcasted. NewsWatch airs on the AMC Network and the ION Network.